On-line registration is closed.
General Registration Fee: $295.00
(CESN will pay your one day CZ ’09 registration fee if you are attending
CZ ’09 only on July 23)
Reduced General Fee: $195.00
(available for those with proof of separate registration to CZ'09)
CESN ’09 Paper Presenters: $195.00
(CESN will pay your one day CZ '09 registration fee if you are attending
CZ ’09 only on July 23)
Day One CESN ’09: $195.00
(CESN will pay your one day CZ ’09 registration fee for July 23 and you
will be able to attend the CESN ’09 Cruise and Dinner on Thompson Island)
Day Two CESN '09: $195.00
(You will be able to attend the CESN ’09 Cruise and Dinner on Thompson
Island and day 2 at CESN ’09 on July 24)
Student Rate: $25.00
(For students attending Day 2 at UMass/Boston on July 24.)